Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

Ok, so this post is a little late, but Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival was about 2 weeks ago. It's pretty festive here at the moment, first the beginning of Ramadan, then Mid-Autumn Festival, and in a few weeks. Deepivali. This was the first time I was in a Chinese country for Mid-Autumn, and it was a nice experience. I've noticed that the traditional foods, like mooncakes, that I've had for mid-autumn are really *traditional*, while Singapore seems to have moved on to more exotic kinds, include "ice-skin" mooncakes, or "snow-skin" frozen mooncakes, or even durian mooncakes.

Bunch of us went out for hotpot (or steamboat as they call it here), and then to this mooncake market at basement of a major department store here. It was completely crazy! It looked like a trading floor of a stock exchange, with a bunch of vendors trying to get rid of all their stock on the last day. There were samples everywhere, discounts, freebies, etc. I got a small box of "ice-skin" frozen mooncakes, and a small box of lotus seed mooncakes. Check out the pictures, it comes in this beautiful box...

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